市政化粪池钢模具 小区化粪池模具采购供应商家方瑞模具化粪池是由三个相互连通的密封粪池组成,由进粪管、三个分格池、二根过粪管、盖板等部分组成,粪便由进粪管进入第1池依次顺流到第3池。第1池为截留沉淀与发酵池,第2池为发酵池,第3池为贮粪池。
The three format septic tank is composedof three interconnected sealed septic tanks, which are composed offecal inlet pipe, three compartment tanks, two fecal pipes andcover plate. The feces enter the first tank from the fecal inletpipe and then flow downstream to the third tank. The first tank isthe retention sedimentation and fermentation tank, the second tankis the second fermentation tank, and the third tank is the septictank.