中兴ZXDU68 T601 组合式高频中兴48V600A通信开关电源系统现货
更新:2022-02-09 23:00 编号:11257352 发布IP: 浏览:38次- 发布企业
- 聚能阳光电源科技(北京)有限公司商铺
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- 中兴
- 型号
- ZXDU68 T601
- 规格
- 48V600A
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- 中兴ZXDU68 T601,ZXDU68 T601,ZXDU68,
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- 北京市昌平区回龙观镇朱辛庄1-46栋第45栋4505
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中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源中兴ZXDU68T601机柜电源中兴zxdu68 t601室内开关电源机柜
ZTE中兴 ZXDU68 T601组合电源系统
输入:3/N/PE 380/220V-50/60HZ 48A
输出:-48V -600A
中兴ZXDU68 T601通信电源是中兴公司设计的新一代通信电源系统,整机效率高达90%,*功率可达到34800W。XDU68T601采用完全数字化设计,模块安装、使用和维护非常简单
2、中兴ZXDU68 T601通信电源系统特点
室内型直流电源系统,额定直流输出电压为–53.5 V。
满配置12个ZXD2400整流器,系统*输出功率为34800 W。
采用三相交流输入,宽输入电压范围(相电压80 V ~ 300 V)。
蓄电池外置在ZXDU68 T601系统机柜外。ZXDU68 T601系统机柜内集交流配电、直流配电、整流和监控于一体。
整流器及监控中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源单元支持热插拔。
工作温度:-5 ℃ ~ +45 ℃,*+15 ℃ ~ +25 ℃
存储温度:-40 ℃ ~ +70 ℃
相对湿度:10% ~ 90%(无冷凝),*40% ~ 60%
大气压:70 kPa ~ 106 kPa
额定交流输入电压相电压:220 V,线电压:380 V
交流输入电压范围可波动范围(相电压):80 V ~ 300 V
? <70 V时,欠压关机;
? 70 V~80 V时,欠压保护;
? 80 V~100 V时,单台整流器输出限流点为20A±2A;
? 100 V~176 V时,单台整流器输出限流点为31A±2A;
? 176 V~300 V时,单台整流器输出限流点为53A±1A;
? 300 V时,过压保护关机
交流输入频率范围:50/60 Hz
单相*输入电流:72 A
防雷级别C级交流防雷,防雷泄放电流≤ 40 kA
输入功率因数:≥ 0.99
满配12个ZXD2400V4.1 V4.3电源模块。
中兴ZXDU68 T601通信电源系统特点 室内型直流电源系统,额定直流输出电压为–53.5 V。满配置12个ZXD2400整流器,系统输出功率为34800 W。 采用三相交流输入,宽输入电压范围(相电压80 V ~ 300 V)。蓄电池外置在ZXDU68 T601系统机柜外。ZXDU68 T601系统机柜内集交流配电、直流配电、整流和监控于一体。整流器及监控单元支持热插拔。
中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源
中兴zxdu68 t601具有高效、高功率密度、高可靠性、智能化控制和造形美观等特点。中兴ZXDU68T601输出电流600A,输出电压:-48V,功率34800W。
ZTE zxdu68 T601 indoor switching power supply cabinet
ZTE ZTE ZXDU68 T601 combined power system
Input: 3/N/PE 380/220V-50/60HZ 48A
Output: -48V -600A
Tel certification: 030064610512r0l
Two hundred and ten billion fifty-three million seven hundred andsixty-five thousand six hundred and sixteen中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源
It is full with 12 ZXD2400V4.1 V4.3 power modules.
Zte Corp
ZTE global customer support service.
The pride of the country and the rejuvenation of China.
ZTE ZXDU68 T601 communication power supply system features indoortype DC power system, and the rated DC output voltage is - 53.5 V.A full 12 ZXD2400 rectifier is installed, and the output power ofthe system is 34800 W. Three phase AC input and wide input voltagerange (phase voltage 80 V to 300 V) are adopted. The storagebattery is outside the ZXDU68 T601 system cabinet. ZXDU68 T601system cabinet includes AC distribution, DC distribution,rectification and monitoring. The rectifier and the monitoring unitsupport hot pluggable.
ZTE CSU401S monitoring module
ZTE ZXD2400 rectifier power module
ZTE zxdu68 T601 has the characteristics of high efficiency, highpower density, high reliability, intelligent control and beautifulshape. ZTE ZXDU68 T601 output current 600A, output voltage: -48V,power 34800W.
It's the leading indoor switchboard cabinet leader in China.
中兴zxdu68 t601室内开关电源机柜
中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源
室内型直流电源系统,额定直流输出电压为–53.5 V。
满配置12个ZXD2400整流器,系统输出功率为34800 W。
采用三相交流输入,宽输入电压范围(相电压80 V ~ 300 V)。
蓄电池外置在ZXDU68 T601系统机柜外。ZXDU68 T601系统机柜内集交流配电、直流配电、整流和监控于一体。
蓄电池管理:支持温度补偿、充电限电流、自动周期均充、自动周期测试。中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源
工作温度:-5 ℃ ~ +45 ℃,*+15 ℃ ~ +25 ℃
存储温度:-40 ℃ ~ +70 ℃
相对湿度:10% ~ 90%(无冷凝),*40% ~ 60%
大气压:70 kPa ~ 106 kPa
交流输入制式三相五线制(L1/L2/L3/N/PE) 中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源
额定交流输入电压相电压:220 V,线电压:380 V
交流输入电压范围可波动范围(相电压):80 V ~ 300 V
The HUAWEI PSM-A11 monitoring module uses the 80386EX CPU as themain controller and RTOS as the system platform. In addition tocollecting, processing, sending and distributing units, and thedata of the rectifier module, it can also carry out accurate andcomprehensive intelligent management of the battery.
Emerson / HUAWEI PSM-A11 switching power module
It is frequency modulation (
(1) Buck circuit - Buck chopped Emerson / HUAWEI PSM-A11 switchingpower module wave device, its output average voltage U0 is lessthan the input voltage Ui, polarity is the same.
(2) Boost circuit -- boost chopper, whose output average voltage U0is greater than the input voltage Ui, the polarity is the same.
(3) Buck Boost circuit -- buck or boost chopper, whose outputaverage voltage U0 is greater than or less than the input voltageUi, polarity is opposite, inductance transmission.
(4) Cuk circuit -- step-down or boost chopper, whose output averagevoltage U0 is greater than or less than the input voltage Ui. Thereare also Sepic, Zeta circuits.
The above is a non isolated DC-DC converter circuit, and theisolated DC-DC converter has a forward circuit and a flybackcircuit.
Half bridge circuit, full bridge circuit, push-pullcircuit.中兴ZXDU68 T601机柜电源
Today's soft switching technology makes DC/DC a qualitative leap. Avariety of ECI soft switching DC/DC converters designed andmanufactured by the American VICOR company have the output power of300W, 600W, 800W and so on. The corresponding power density is(6.2, 10, 17) W/cm3, and the efficiency is (80~90)%. A highfrequency switching power module RM series using soft switchingtechnology is introduced by TDK-Lambda company in Japan. Theswitching frequency is (200~300) kHz, the power density has reached27W/cm3, and the synchronous rectifier (MOSFET instead of Schottkydiode) has been used to improve the efficiency of the whole circuitto 90%. AC/DC transform is the conversion of AC to DC, its powerflow can be two-way, power flow from the power supply to the loadcalled "rectification", power flow from the load back to the poweris called "active inverter". The AC/DC converter is input to50/60Hz, because it must be rectified and filtered, so therelatively large filter capacitor is necessary. At the same time,because of the safety standards (such as UL, CCEE, etc.) and therestriction of EMC instruction (such as IEC, FCC, CSA), the ACinput side must be added with EMC filtering and the use meets thesafety standard. The size of the AC/DC power supply is limited, andthe internal high frequency, high voltage and high currentswitching actions are used to solve the EMC. problem.
成立日期 | 2014年01月14日 | ||
法定代表人 | 司巧玲 | ||
注册资本 | 1000 | ||
主营产品 | 主营通信电源:艾默生,华为,中兴,台达,动力源,中恒,铭普光磁,等 室内外空调机柜 室外防雷壁挂电源,通信设备,壁挂式机柜,嵌入式电源系统,电源模块,监控单元 | ||
经营范围 | 技术推广服务;设计、制作、代理、发布广告;数据处理;维修机械设备;会议服务;承办展览展示;技术进出口、代理进出口、货物进出口;销售电子产品、计算机软硬件及外围设备、玩具、机械设备、橡胶制品、文化用品、金属制品、汽车配件、医疗器械 I 类、仪器仪表、通讯设备。 | ||
公司简介 | 聚能阳光电源科技(北京)有限公司是一家专注于:华为,中兴,维谛,台达,动力源,中恒,铭普光磁等品牌的通信电源,壁挂电源,室内外机柜,室外防雷壁挂电源2.聚能阳光电源科技(北京)有限公司经销批发的消费者市场,在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。聚能阳光电源科技(北京)有限公司经销的品种齐全、价格合理。聚能阳光电源科技(北京)有限公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、 ... |
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