高速路基保护现浇骨架护坡塑料模板是将这些模具在高速公路的边坡进行组装搭建将一个个的拱形框模板都组装到一起连接固定好之后,就可以直接浇筑混凝土了,这种浇筑方式都是从上面开始浇筑,从下到上的一个过程将混凝土灌入到模板里面,Zui后就是能凝固以后直接拆模就可以了。Thecast-in-place skeleton slope protection plastic formwork forhigh-speed roadbed protection is assembled and built on the slopeof the highway. After each arch frame formwork is assembled andfixed together, concrete can be directly poured. This pouringmethod starts from the top, and the concrete is poured into theformwork in a process from bottom to top. Finally, aftersolidification, the formwork can be directly removed.