垫石现浇定型塑料模板操作时把全部的模板都带到施工场地中,再进行制作,把生产工具也一起带到施工现场,现浇承台塑料模板加工的话,不管是所用到的施工人员非常的少,模板的材料塑料材料在制作的过程中,是很多的塑料颗粒加工出来的。把塑料颗粒在住宿机中经过特殊的工艺加工出来,有现有胎具的话,加工出来的现浇承台会有一定的使用保障。Whenoperating the cast in place plastic template for cushion stones,all the templates are brought to the construction site, and thenproduction tools are also brought to the construction site. Whenprocessing the cast in place cushion cap plastic template, thereare very few construction personnel required. The material of thetemplate, plastic material, is processed from a lot of plasticparticles during the production process