现浇防护栏模具 防撞墙模具经国家检验机构认证
更新:2022-11-19 08:30 编号:6240101 发布IP: 浏览:62次- 发布企业
- 保定市玉达模具制造有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 报价
- 人民币¥500.00元每个
- 质量体系
- ISO9001
- 型号
- 型号齐全
- 产地
- 河北保定
- 关键词
- 现浇防护栏模具 防撞墙模具 防撞墙钢模具
- 所在地
- 河北省保定市清苑区闫庄乡南闫庄村
- 手机
- 13503120801
- 经理
- 薛锦玉 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
现浇防护栏模具 防撞墙模具 防撞墙钢模具 玉达
Crash wall mold, road impact wall mold, concrete impact wallmold template is a kind of steel mold used in highway construction.Crash wall mold template is produced in the way of roadconstruction. Therefore, the mode of production determines the moldstructure. The mold is a combination of two pieces, using railings,plug head and other accessories to form a complete set oftemplates. According to the specific specifications of the currentanti-collision wall, the height of 81 cm is a common specification.In addition, the length is mostly 1 meter long, which facilitatesthe handling of workers and the work of demoulding and loading. Ifthere is a machine to assist in production, the length of the moldcan be increased to 1.5 meters or 2 meters, so that theconstruction of the collision wall can be completed morequickly.
Our factory has a number of large-scale fully automatic stampingequipment, after many years of development, our factory'stechnology has gradually been better improved, high-speedanti-impact wall steel mold, For the production of details, themain emphasis is on the standard features of better installationtightness and size shapes. In order to achieve more practicalrequirements, this anti-impact wall steel mold gradually adopts apiece-mounted assembly design. The degree reached has solved thetechnical problems of difficult manual installation, and at thesame time has omitted the auxiliary construction of machinery andequipment. This construction method has also been approved by theNational mold inspection agency and has been well received by themajority of customers. Telephone enquiry: 1358 2382726
成立日期 | 2015年07月24日 | ||
法定代表人 | 薛锦玉 | ||
注册资本 | 10 | ||
主营产品 | 隔离墩模具,流水槽模具,防撞墙模具,检查井模具,护坡模具,电缆槽模具 | ||
经营范围 | 隔离墩模具 防撞墙模具 流水槽模具 检查井模具 电缆槽模具 护坡模具 | ||
公司简介 | 保定玉达模具公司主营产品:防撞墙模具,防护栏模具,化粪池模具,检查井模具,隔离墩模具,化粪池模具,电缆槽模具,穿线槽模具,流水槽模具,U型槽模具,排水沟模具,水泥房模具,活动房模具,井盖模具,盖板模具,护坡模具,遮板模具,路牙石模具,标志桩钢模具等等。保定市玉达模具制造有限公司,位于北京、天津、石家庄三角地带,交通方便,我厂自建厂以来专业打造防撞墙模具,防护栏模具,化粪池模具,检查井模具,隔离墩模 ... |
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质量体系:ISO9001 - 玉达制造的防撞墙模具口碑越来越好500.00元/个
质量体系:ISO9001 - 防撞墙模具和防护墙模具的区别有什么500.00元/个
质量体系:ISO9001 - 防撞墙模具规格和防撞墙钢模具的作用500.00元/个
质量体系:ISO9001 - 电缆槽模具是生产尺寸,水泥电缆槽的专用模具300.00元/个
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