流水槽钢模具设计结构要素 保定水泥U型槽模具厂
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- 流水槽钢模具 水泥U型槽模具 排水槽模具
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流水槽钢模具设计结构要素 保定水泥U型槽模具厂 玉达
The structural elements to be considered in plastic mold designare:
① parting surface, i.e. the contact surface where the concave dieand the convex die fit each other when the die is closed. Theselection of its position and form is affected by the shape andappearance of the product, wall thickness, forming method,post-processing technology, mold type and structure, demouldingmethod and forming machine structure and other factors.
② structural parts, i.e. slide block, inclined top, straight topblock, etc. of complex mould. The design of structural parts isvery important, which is related to the life, processing cycle,cost and product quality of the mold. Therefore, the design ofcomplex mold core structure requires a higher comprehensive abilityof the designer, and seeks a simpler, more durable and moreeconomic design scheme as much as possible.
③ die accuracy, i.e. card avoidance, precise positioning, guidepost, positioning pin, etc. The positioning system is related tothe product appearance quality, mold quality and service life.According to the different mold structure, different positioningmethods are selected. The positioning accuracy control mainlydepends on the processing. The internal mold positioning is mainlyconsidered by the designer to design a more reasonable and easy toadjust positioning method.
② pouring system, that is, the feeding channel from the injectionmachine nozzle to the cavity, including the main flow channel,shunt channel, gate and cold cavity. In particular, the gatelocation should be selected to facilitate the molten plastic tofill the mold cavity in a good flow state, and the solid flowchannel attached to the product and the gate cold material are easyto be ejected from the mold and removed (except for the hot flowchannel mold) when opening the mold.
③ plastic shrinkage and various factors affecting the dimensionalaccuracy of products, such as mold manufacturing and assemblyerrors, mold wear, etc. In addition, the matching of thetechnological and structural parameters of the molding machineshould also be considered in the design of the press mold and theinjection mold. CAD technology has been widely used in plastic molddesign.
成立日期 | 2015年07月24日 | ||
法定代表人 | 薛锦玉 | ||
注册资本 | 10 | ||
主营产品 | 隔离墩模具,流水槽模具,防撞墙模具,检查井模具,护坡模具,电缆槽模具 | ||
经营范围 | 隔离墩模具 防撞墙模具 流水槽模具 检查井模具 电缆槽模具 护坡模具 | ||
公司简介 | 保定玉达模具公司主营产品:防撞墙模具,防护栏模具,化粪池模具,检查井模具,隔离墩模具,化粪池模具,电缆槽模具,穿线槽模具,流水槽模具,U型槽模具,排水沟模具,水泥房模具,活动房模具,井盖模具,盖板模具,护坡模具,遮板模具,路牙石模具,标志桩钢模具等等。保定市玉达模具制造有限公司,位于北京、天津、石家庄三角地带,交通方便,我厂自建厂以来专业打造防撞墙模具,防护栏模具,化粪池模具,检查井模具,隔离墩模 ... |
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